Indian girl gets standing ovation after her speech at the climate summit
Vinisha Umashankar, a 14-year-old young lady from India, was welcomed by Prince William to talk at the COP26 in Glasgow, where she hypnotized everybody with her amazing discourse on the…
Vidyut Mohan: Innovation Could Be Game-changer For Air Pollution
A versatile and practical machine, improved by India’s Vidyut Mohan is being pitched as a major piece of the expected answer for air contamination. PM Narendra Modi met Vidyut Mohan,…
A Firm Is Turning Low-Grade Plastic Waste Into Useful Oil
The Earth has a plastic issue. It is now assessed that streams convey 1.15 to 2.41 million tons of plastic into our seas which gather in enormous masses of drifting…
Balloon bonanza! Why Instagram’s latest trend is an environmental disaster
Inflatables or ballons might look decent, yet they have various natural worries related to them. Nothing can escape the pull of gravity. Inflatables are dangerous when they enter the climate.…
Reefs Made With Human Remains Restore Florida Coast Line
People have been dumping almost all kinds of waste into the oceans, for a past good number of years, not to forget, even the coast guard ships. The idea behind?…
San Francisco: Leading The Way To Food Waste Management
Over the last decade, food waste has become a more widely recognised environmental issue around the world. Not only has the issue of wasted food become an ethical one in…
How this brand turns plastic bottles into shoes
Adidas manufactures about 400 million shoes every single year, and manufacturing this number of shoes requires a good amount of resources. But creating new materials, again and again, isn’t that…
How this company uses plastics to make bricks
Can we make bricks from plastics? That sounds a good one right, but do you know, when mixed with sand, these melted plastics can become as hard as concrete, once…
How these people deal with tire waste in a more sustainable way
There are billions of tires that end up in landfills every single year, all around the globe. These modern tires are a complex mixture of natural and synthetic rubbers, as…
Sperm Count Reduction due to Air Pollution
Apart from harmful effects on the respiratory system and other parts of the body, air pollution has now been found to reduce the sperm count in men, according to a…
Ships could clean up the ocean by turning marine plastic into fuel.
Specially outfitted or curated ships could filter plastic that was by the water as well as convert it into an existing fuel that would power not just the conversion except…
Google announces sustainability initiatives.
This week, at the Google Cloud Next ’21 conference, Google accelerated its efforts to combat climate change by announcing new sustainability projects centered on Google Cloud. It began by launching…
Celebrate this Diwali in an eco-friendly manner via green crackers
In the past few years, air quality and pollution has been intensified by stubble burning, during November- December which has become a cause of concern in the National Capital Region…
Future of Sustainability in the Aviation Sector in India
Issue: Commercial aviation devours good amounts of non-renewable fuels which lead to their exhaustion. The increasing demand for air services in India is the reason for the deregulation of the…
Philippines Group Turns Plastic Waste Into Planks
. Around 300 million tonnes of plastic waste are produced annually, according to the United Nations Environment Programme, a problem that has been aggravated by the outbreak of COVID-19 which…