Tiger Population Anticipated To Jump 5-10% In Karnataka
Karnataka Forest Department officials have already been recording more numbers of striped cats so far, according to camera trap estimates. The final report is still the last call, which is…
It’s Time For Another Chipko Movement On Bengaluru School Campus
The Chipko Andolan of the 1970s was not new to the state of Karnataka as it had inspired and led the villagers of Uttara Kannada to start Appiko (meaning to…
Oriental White-Backed Vultures Fly To Survival
It housed three species of 378 vultures at the centre, out of which 131 are Oriental white-backed vultures, 195 are long-billed vultures and 52 are Slender-billed vultures. They collected the…
Tiger Found Dead At Bandipur Tiger Reserve.
If the current death rate continues, this year's numbers are expected to be greater than the previous year's, when roughly 105 striped felines died.
Here Is First-Ever Fossil Free Steel
The European Union's strategy to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 includes hydrogen as a significant component. Regardless of the type of energy used, there is no confirmed fact.…
Is Air Pollution Linked To Life Expectancy?
According to a new study, air pollution would shorten Indians' life expectancy by 40% over the next nine years. The University of Chicago's Energy Policy Institute carried this research out.
2bin1bag: A Concept That Conquers Waste
While many non-profit organisations and people were working to solve the problem in various ways, a group of women in Bangalore's Bellandur neighbourhood recognised the solution in trash segregation and…
Adi Hills Arunachal Pradesh Is Home To A New Frog
The species is named after the Adi tribes, the indigenous people of the Arunachal Pradesh Himalayan region. They also referred to the discovery region as the hills of Adi —…
Peepal Tree Plantation By Conscious Citizen To Purify Air
40 environmental lovers came forward to overcome the problem of poor air quality and increase oxygen in the atmosphere.
Fishing Cats In Panna Tiger Reserve Is A Good Sign
The fishing cat (Prionailurusviverrinus) is found only in South and Southeast Asia. It is a medium-sized cat that is one of fifteen small cats found in India. This is a…
Caterpillar Slug Threatens India’s Wildlife And Economy
In a March international study, invasive species have cost the global economy around 1.3 trillion dollars since 1970 and an average annual cost of 26.8 billion dollars. According to various…
Girnar Sanctuary Mining: Don’t Play With The Wildlife And Environment
Mining erodes, sinkholes, deforestation, biodiversity loss, water resource depletion, and other environmental problems all over the world. Mining is a hazardous activity, whether on a large scale industrial scale or…
Bird Lover On A Mission To Save ‘Goraiya’ In Varanasi
Changing lifestyles have robbed the sparrows of their nests. People's attitudes toward birds and biodiversity have shifted as a result of the changing lifestyles of urban and semi-urban areas. The…
Ayaan Shankta Is Eco-Hero For His Work On Powai Lake
For his project Conservation and Rehabilitation of Powai Lake, a 12-year-old Mumbai activist has been named the 2021 International Young Eco-Hero.
Horticulture Development Project And World Bank Organizes A Technology Seminar
The Himachal Pradesh government (GoHP) is implementing the World Bank-supported HPHDP project, which aims to “assist small farmers and Agro-entrepreneurs in Himachal Pradesh in increasing the productivity, quality, and market…