Organic Food products now a days has increasing demand as compared with the actual supply. Usually the term used for agricultural products which is grown by ideal farm practices without using any chemical or synthetic fertilizer. Here Organic Manure or compost plays a vital role in Organic Farming.
Manure has been used for centuries as a fertilizer for farming, as it is rich in nitrogen and other nutrients which facilitate the growth of plants. Manure is nitrogen rich organic material which is used to fertilize the land and common in farming practices across the India. It is consisting of faces and urine of domestic animals, at times rich with cow dung or animal dung and may be with or without litter such as straw, hay etc. In India animal husbandry is quite common along agriculture and hence the preparation of different form of manure with advantage is known to farmers. Faecal material of Grazing animals constitutes an enormous fertility sources as a manure while added in soil as the food they eat constitute nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
“Organic Manure usually have a less N-P-K. It works slowly. On application of Organic Manure, soil use the same in the same amount it requires for growth. This means that both the soil and the plants in it get the nutrition they need when they need it”
Read our article: Organic farming- healthy for gut, nature and farmer
Chemical fertilisers are richer in nitrogen as compared with the Organic manure however has several adverse impacts on soil fertility in log term. Study suggests that 1 ton of Organic manure contains 4.5 Kg of Nitrogen, 2.25 Kg of Phosphorus pentoxide and approx. 4.5 kg of Potash. Hence organic manure in turns requires to be added in high volume as compared with chemical fertiliser. Manure is rich in organic matter or humus, this in turn enhance the soil capacity to absorb and store more water and can help in reducing erosion.

There is no specific method that needs to be applied for preparation of manure. Animal waste as cow dung can directly be mixed with soil as a manure. However, while producing the organic manure in volume, the animal faces along with the daily home organic wastes, dry leaves etc can be mixed.
Read our article: Revival of Organic Farming in agriculture practices of India… Interview with a Farmer
Composting is a process by which organic wastes are converted into organic manures by means of biological activity under controlled conditions. In other word composting is defined as a method of solid waste management whereby the organic component of the solid waste stream is biologically decomposed under controlled conditions to a state in which it can be handled, stored and applied to the land without adversely affecting the environment. It is an important technique for recycling organic agricultural, industrial wastes and for improving the quality and quantity of organic manure. The objectives in composting are to stabilize the putrescible organic matter in raw agricultural and industrial wastes produce a uniform, slow release organic fertilizer which stimulates soil life, improves soil structure; helps plants to tolerate/ resist pests and diseases reducing offensive odours, killing weed seeds and pathogenic organisms.
Read our article: Cow dung hitting eCommerce platform
“Chemical fertilizers are composed of synthesized or processed chemicals that tend to give a higher nitrogen (N), phosphorus (K) and potassium (P). While application of the same to soil, tends to absorb more quickly by plants than Organic Manure “
Understanding Difference between Organic Manure and chemical Fertilizer:
Do you know what is the difference between Organic Manure and Chemical fertiliser? Both is helping plants with nitrogen, phosphorus etc. Why Organic Manure is safe as compare with Chemical fertiliser?
Organic Manure are made from animal faces (ex: cow dung), and natural plant and animal materials. Chemical or synthetic, fertilizers are made up of organic ingredients. On application of Organic Manure soil usage, the same in the same amount it requires for growth. Over application of Manure or compost may or may not harm the soil or plants. Whereas the chemical fertilizer quickly and simply feed the plant without enriching the soil and may contribute to a toxic buildup of salts in the soil when overapplied.

Benefit of Using Manure or compost:
- Safe for use as it Increases soil carbon and reduced atmospheric carbon levels
- Useful in reduction of soil erosion and runoff
- It also helps in reducing nitrate leaching
- If used as a primary source of fertilizer, then have long term positive impact on soil health
- Improve the soil and required organic materials this helps in storage of water, increase in microbial activity such as mycorrhiza that helps in nitrogen fixation in soil
- It is safe in handling. Accidental mixing of it with runoff water or lake has no adverse impact on flora or fauna. Chemical fertilizer requires specific handling and may impact or pollute if mixes accidently or by overapplication to any source of water
- Organic Manure or compost may be more expensive than chemical fertilizer
Government of India Schemes providing assistance
The Government is promoting Organic Manure by providing financial assistance under the following schemes:
- Under Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) financial assistance is provided for promotion of Organic farming through adoption of organic village by cluster approach and PGS certification.
- Under Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture financial assistance is provided for setting up vermicompost units @50% of the cost subject to a maximum of Rs.30,000/- per beneficiary.
- Under National Project on Management of Soil Health and Fertility (NPMSHF) there is provision for promotion of organic fertilizer up to Rs.500/- per hectare.
- Assistance is also available for Organic Manure under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY).
Reference: Reference from following link has been taken while writing one of the para in this post.
Very Informative article. Good Job