In the lush fields of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, a remarkable story unfolds daily, centered around a 105-year-old woman whose tenacity and spirit defy age and time. R Pappammal, an organic farmer, was recently awarded the prestigious Padma Shri for her exceptional contributions to popularizing organic farming. Her life story is an inspiring testament to hard work, resilience, and the unyielding spirit of a woman who has seen and shaped over a century of change.
Born into a family of farmers, Pappammal inherited not just the land but a legacy of diligence and perseverance. “At 107, there’s nothing I can’t do!” she proudly told the media. Her days begin at 3 AM, long before her workers arrive. She toils in her fields, tending to her crops with the same vigor she possessed decades ago. After a full day of farming, she cycles to the market to sell her produce, embodying a work ethic that is both awe-inspiring and humbling.
Pappammal’s early years were marked by self-reliance and ingenuity. With no formal schools available, she taught herself to read and write. At the tender age of 14, she married and soon after inherited her father’s land. “In those days, married women were confined to four walls, but I didn’t want to sit idle,” she recalls. At 16, she ventured into entrepreneurship by setting up an idli-vada shop, earning a modest 20 rupees a month in the 1950s.
Childless, Pappammal and her husband adopted a son. As her son grew, so did her ambitions. At 35, she shattered societal norms by becoming the first woman Sarpanch of her village. This role exposed her to various farmers’ meets, where she first encountered the concept of organic farming. “I was fascinated!” she exclaims. By the age of 50, she had invested all her savings to buy 10 acres of land, where she began cultivating her crops organically. Despite modest earnings, she found contentment in her work, often donating surplus produce to those in need.
Her routine, unchanged for 57 years, reflects her dedication and passion. Remarkably, she has never taken a day off. Pappammal’s workload has increased over the years, partly because she feels the younger generation lacks her drive. She often finds herself encouraging her great-grandson, who at 16, she believes, is too quick to seek breaks. “Wake up, you lazy boy!” she chides him, showcasing her indomitable spirit.
Reaching the age of 100 marked a new chapter in Pappammal’s life. Her centenary was celebrated by 3,000 villagers with a grand party featuring chicken biryani and folk songs. This milestone transformed her into a local legend, with people inviting her to weddings as a good luck charm. “I’ve lived quite a life, no?” she muses, reflecting on her journey from running a small eatery to being a celebrated organic farmer and community icon.
Life continues to surprise Pappammal. Two weeks ago, she received a call from Delhi informing her of the Padma Shri award. This recognition has brought a flurry of attention, with hundreds queuing outside her house. Media interviews and photo requests have become routine, yet she remains unfazed. “My grandson keeps telling me, ‘Paatti, you’ve become a celebrity!’ I chuckle and retort, ‘When was I not?’” she says with a twinkle in her eye.
R Pappammal’s story is more than just a tale of longevity. It is a celebration of human spirit, of a woman who defied societal expectations and carved her path with determination and grace. Her life is an inspiration, reminding us that age is just a number and that passion, hard work, and resilience are timeless virtues. As she continues to nurture her farm and community, Pappammal stands as a beacon of hope and a symbol of enduring strength in the face of time.