Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), India’s premier nature conservation organised a Bird Count at SGNP in July. This count was attended by over 35 birders and BNHS Members
On July 28, 2024, over 35 dedicated volunteers participated in a Bird Count at Sanjay Gandhi
National Park (SGNP), as part of the BNHS’s SGNP Bird Monitoring Programme. The volunteers, divided into small groups, surveyed different park sections, each aiming to spot and document the bird species. The volunteers recorded an impressive 70 species of birds within just a few hours.
This count was a testament to the rich biodiversity of SGNP and highlighted the park’s
significance as a vital habitat for avian fauna. Since its inception the count has resulted in a
total of 232 bird species recorded, underscoring the park’s ecological importance and the
effectiveness of conservation efforts.

The count was not just about counting birds; it served as an educational and bonding experience for the participants. Birders, ranging from novices to seasoned experts, exchanged knowledge, shared sightings, and fostered a sense of community centred around a shared love for nature.
The bird monitoring programme is supported by the staff of SGNP & Tungareshwar Wildlife
Sanctuary Forest Department, led by the Director, Sri G. Mallikarjuna (IFS – Chief Conservator of Forests) and Sri Sudhir Sonawale (Assistant Conservator of Forests, SGNP). With support from the BNHS Director Sri Kishor Rithe, the count is coordinated by Mr Asif N. Khan from BNHS Programmes Department and the CEC-Mumbai Team- Sumit Dothre, Shardul Bajikar, Kiran Thumma, and Priyadarshani Supekar.
The Bird Count at Sanjay Gandhi National Park is not just a scientific endeavour, but also a Citizen Science effort, that seeks to engage bird and wildlife enthusiasts. The impressive number of species recorded this year is a testament to the park’s incredible biodiversity and the success of our ongoing conservation efforts. We are immensely grateful to our dedicated volunteers, BNHS members and the Forest Department whose passion and commitment make such initiatives possible.” Said Mr Kishor Rithe, Director of BNHS

About the BNHS’s SGNP Bird Monitoring Programme:
BNHS, began monitoring the birds in Sanjay Gandhi National Park and Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary in February 2021, through a citizen science programme called the “SGNP Bird Monitoring Programme or SGNP Bird Count” for short. Under this program, BNHS conducts a Bird Count every month at various locations of the SGNP and Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary. The count takes place every month with the help of BNHS Members, bird watchers and other volunteers.

About BNHS:
The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) is one of India’s oldest and most respected
nature conservation organizations. With a history spanning 140 years, BNHS is committed to
studying, conservating, and educating India’s natural heritage. Through various initiatives,
research projects, and educational programs.